PhD research fellow Laura Schuhn at fieldwork in Tunis. - “Thinking normative power through the Frankfurt School: Notes on the EU’s role in global domination”; presentation by Veit Bachmann at the workshop « Normative Power in the Planetary Organic Crisis…
- Mental maps to understand macro-regional imaginaries: feedback and exploratory analysis of mental maps from a digital questionnaire”, presentation by Camille Dabestani and Hugues Pécout in the session “Objectifying Mental and…
- “Visionary Geographies of European Studies”; publication by Veit Bachmann; July 2021; accessible here
- „Reclaiming the knowledge society from ‘urban economization’: thinking with the Frankfurt School”; publication by Veit Bachmann; January 2022; accessible here
- 15th anniversary of the French-German programme of ANR/DFG funding in the Social Sciences and Humanities; Claude Grasland presenting the IMAGEUN project; 14/15 June 2022 in Paris; more information here
- “Imaginer sa région du monde. Représentations et projections d’imaginaires d’étudiant·e·s de France hexagonale et des Antilles”, realised by Camille Dabestani and Elina Marveaux at the “Journée des jeunes chercheur·e·s de…
The team of IMAGEUN meets for a workshop in Frankfurt on 30 & 31 March 2022. - “Post-Brexit Geopolitics”; publication by Veit Bachmann; July 2021; accessible here
- We are the IMAGEUN project and we are excited about our online presence. Information about our project, research and involved persons can be found on this page.
- “Deep Mapping Transnational Therapeutic Mobilities”; panel organised by Betty Rouland at the Annual IMISCOE conference (International Migration Research Network); 29 June – 01 July 2022 in Oslo, Norway
- “Se soigner en Tunisie : du Maghreb à la rive sud du Sahara”; publication by Betty Rouland; 25 January 2022 ; accessible here
- “Together apart? Imaginationen, Narrative und Praktiken Europäischer (Des)Integration“; contribution by Veit Bachmann to a roundtable discussion at the GeoWoche 2021; 08 October 2021 (online)
- “Macro-regional imaginaries of Turkish students: analysis of mental maps of macro-regions of belonging”, presentation by Camille Dabestani and Murat Güvenç in the session “Geographical and geopolitical representations of Central Asian…
“Le français dans un Maghreb plurilingue”; interview with Kmar Bendana ; May 2022 ; accessible here
The team of IMAGEUN meets for a workshop in Tunis on October 29-31. - “’Normative Power’ et la marginalisation sociospatiale dans l’Union Européene” ; presentation by Veit Bachmann at the conference « L’Europe des mécontentements: entre mythes et réalités » of the French Association National Nouvelle Ruralités ;…
IMAGEUN stands for the French-German research project “In the Mirror of the European Neighbourhood (Policy) : Mapping Macro-Regional Imaginations”. It centrally evolves around the three key terms that appear in the title:
- MACRO-REGION: the project inquires how people in different places imagine a possible division of the globe into different world regions and which of those world regions they feel part of;
- IMAGINATION: it is a study on how people imagine the geographical order of the world. It is also interested in the transformation of such imaginations through both representational and discursive as well as material and tangible factors. We seek to understand how people make sense of the world with its connections and divisions;
- EUROPE: the macro-region at the centre of interest to IMAGEUN is Europe and its “neighbourhood”. Our research focusses on how “Europe” is imagined spatially and semantically in different places within the EU and in its “neighbourhood”.
Trying to develop a better understanding about what “Europe” means and how it relates to its “neighbours”, our research will be conducted in France and Germany as countries often considered at the “heart of Europe”, in Turkey and Tunisia as key countries in the “European neighbourhood”, as well as in Britain and Ireland whose relationship with each other and with Europe is in a complex process of redefinition in the wake of Brexit.